Lattice Degenerations
What is Lattice Degenerations?
Lattice Degeneration is a condition that involves abnormal thinning of the peripheral retina, which is the tissue that lines the back wall of the eye and is critical for maintaining good vision. When lattice degeneration is present, the retina is more vulnerable to developing tears, breaks, or holes that could ultimately lead to a visually debilitating condition called a retinal detachment. For this reason, once diagnosed lattice degeneration should be closely monitored.
It is a condition that involves abnormal thinning of the peripheral retina, which is the tissue that lines the back wall of the eye and is critical for maintaining good vision. In this, the retina is more vulnerable to developing tears, breaks, or holes that could ultimately lead to a visually debilitating condition.
• Blurred vision
• Flashing lights
• Floaters
• Curtain obscuring part of your peripheral visual field If you experience any of these, seek prompt ophthalmic care.